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We Lifshitz Together! Thinking Bigger, Identifying Side Hustles, and Inventing Cool Shitz


We Lifshitz Together: Serial Entrepreneur, Brand Consultant and Creative Thinker, Bryan Lifshitz shares the power of thinking big, finding your side hustle, and inventing a product that goes VIRAL.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:

8:48 A lot of small businesses don't know who their market is. They don't know who their audience is. And so that's where we've got to identify. Is it old? Is it young? Is it, this is it that? And so once we understand that, then we're working backwards

22:19 The world of bringing stuff to market has changed. And for the better, in my opinion. And why? Because now anybody and everybody can bring something to market.

35:29 The reality is you've got to make sure that people like your product. We didn't know people were going to like our product, right? We just kind of assumed. I think we made about a hundred units of the Piggyback Rider back in the day as a test. We brought a bunch of them in, we sent them out to people, we had friends...

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How to Leverage Your Network to Launch a New Offer, Even with a Small List


Wake up your network and launch your idea to an audience of people that need AND want it. Robbie Samuels is what some would call a “multi-hyphenate.” In his case, this means he's a professional speaker – business growth strategy coach – virtual event design consultant – executive Zoom producer – emcee – podcast host – author – virtual presentation skills trainer, and so much more. Tune in for the exact steps he took to reinvent himself and create a multiple six-figure business in 2020.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:

10:36 So you can have a great idea, but if you don't have the right audience it won’t work. You could have the best hotdog stand in the world, but if you don't have a hungry audience, it doesn't matter. But, if you have a starving audience, you can have mediocre hot dogs and make millions.

16:34 Kaizen - continuous improvement: It's about being 5% better. Every time you host or speak...

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How Dan Shinder Reaches 5 Million People Per Week and Never Pays for Advertising

growth marketing mindset Sep 02, 2021

Be present, be relevant, and be helpful. Be inclusive, and show what differentiates you from others. It's not hard to do. It's just a matter of knowing how to do it, and being aware. Come learn with us!

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:

18:08 We always need to remain as objective as possible. We have to sit at the grownups table and realize there's always a lot more to learn.

23:50 Always be willing to learn and know that you never know it all.

30:15 Five things to check off in every piece of content marketing: stay present, stay relevant, help others, be inclusive, and position yourself as an expert.

--- Full Raw Transcription Below ---

Dan Shinder (00:00:00):

And that's the thing. Your content, no matter what you do, your content has to be for everybody else. Which leads me to the number one mistake everybody, every brand, every company, every entrepreneur, makes on social media. The secret sauce is to create content that matters for them.

Speaker 2...

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