Making Better Decisions Using Human Design


Have you ever felt caged? Like you're just going through the motions in life? It might be because you are out of alignment with your strengths and overall purpose. Lise Cartwright joins us again for an introduction into the world of Human Design and how you can use it as a framework for making better life and business decisions. What if the work you did all day was easy and fun? And what if you had unlimited energy to do it?

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:

14:28 For some of us, when you look at this through the lens of your business, it's very much about making sure that anything that you go to create, if that is going to impact other people, you are making sure that you are creating in ‘response’. Let's take your podcast, for example. If I was working with you, and you have this idea to do this podcast, I'd be like, right, can you show me where you saw some signs that this was right for you to do?

31:18 It's very much about showing up and just trusting that the universe will put people in front of you who are ready to hear what you have to say, who are really to hear your deeper wisdom.

49:01 If you've got to make a small decision, it's like a few pebbles falling into the lake and then the ripples spread out, and then it comes back to a relative calm. So that decision could be, what are we having for dinner? Like a small pebble. But let's say you're deciding to start a new business or you're moving countries, or you're changing jobs. That is going to feel like this massive boulder has just been dropped into your lake and the waves are just going to carry on for a while. And the boulder might hit the bottom. And so a whole bunch of debris will float up to the top. So what that means is, is that you will not make a decision until you're back to the calmness of your life as you've got just a few ripples and then you can really trust whatever decision you make.

Lise Cartwright is a bestselling author, creative business strategist, and coach who is obsessed with helping others create and grow a business and life they love!

Lise is the founder of, the #1 online resource for getting clear on your business model and creating consistent income. Through her books, training videos, and coaching, she’s helped thousands of people on their journey to creating an online business that’s easy, fun, and profitable.

Free custom business plan using human design! Grab it at

--- Full Raw Transcription Below ---

Lise Cartwright (00:00:00):

If you feel it in your guts initially, you feel that motor really just whirring, like it's excited and you can feel it. It's not something that you process up here - it's in your body. If you feel it, that is the start of your "let me pay attention. Now, let me see what the universe is putting in front of me."

Introduction (00:00:24):

Welcome to the SideHustle Lounge. If you're looking for flexible ways to earn income, grow your mindset, and live the lifestyle you've always dreamed of, you are in the right place. So lower the lights. Grab your favorite beverage and join your host. Founder of and Amazon bestselling author of Sign and Thrive: How To Make Six Figures As A Mobile Notary And Loan Signing Agent, Bill Soroka.

Bill Soroka (00:00:58):

Cheers and welcome back to my next guest, Lise Cartwright. Lise is a best-selling author, a coach, creative strategist, and, already a guest on the side hustle lounge. Lise, thank you so much for getting up so early in the morning in Australia to hang out with us today.

New Speaker (00:01:18):

Oh, you're welcome, Bill. Only for you would I be up this early!

Bill Soroka (00:01:22):

It's funny how many times I hear that. If you want to get me on the phone on a video call or a text, you got to hit me early. I love it. Well, I'm excited to have our conversation today. One of the things that I've always been drawn to, with you is, you're a fellow seeker, always looking for something new along the lines of personal development, self exploration, how the world works and how we fit into it. And part of that is a mutual fascination with personality profiles. And that's really what we're going to talk about today. And you've, you found throughout many years and now your latest find and how it helps people, entrepreneurs, just human beings kind of fit a little better into the world and get what they want.

Lise Cartwright (00:02:20):

Absolutely. Yes. It's been a journey, right? Like if I, if I think that, I think it was this year, it's been 10 years that I've been in business and I say business, it's such a weird way to describe it because I've changed more to my business so many different times. And I think that's a an indicator of my personality, right? Like we're talking about that. And I'm everything that I do now is very much centered around a framework for Human Design. And you and I were just talking about this and we've talked about it in the past, but it truly has been the thing that has stuck, right? Like if we think about all the personality quizzes that you can do, all of those types of things, if you are like Bill and I you're, and you are seeking your're constantly looking for the thing that resonates the most and sticks the most.

Lise Cartwright (00:03:19):

And up until, I don't know, March last year StrengthsFinder ( was the one that had really stuck with me the most. Right? If you haven't done StrengthsFinders, I still highly recommend it. Actually that's a good thing I'm going to circle back to, but kind of a caveat to anything like this is that I'm not saying that this is the be-all and end-all right. Like this is the one thing that is going to change and be the answer because we're still human beings and we, and we morph and change. And, but that is why it should do really like Human Design ( is that it's not it doesn't have these hard and fast rules. It doesn't tell you that you can only do things this way. What it does is it gives you a framework really for you to be able to make decisions based on what's right for you.

Lise Cartwright (00:04:13):

So I really came to discover Human Design when the pandemic hit last year, right? Like we were all in this space and I just remember Googling something around decisions because I was struggling to make decisions. And as someone who doesn't normally struggle, I found it really disconcerting, right? Like I was, I'd make a decision. And then I changed my mind in each day and then I'd make a decision, change my mind. And it went on like that for seven days straight. And I just remember coming out of that going, what is going on? Like I can't make a decision. And I think a lot of people will feel that, right? Like that whole time was just weird. And not that it's that much better now, it's just and for whatever reason, I landed on a blog post that talked about how you can make decisions when you understand your strategy and authority, which is kind of the starting point of Human Design.

Lise Cartwright (00:05:16):

So if you're listening to this and you're like, I have no idea what Lise is talking about. The number one thing that I encourage you to do is go to a website called and it's free. Now, the only thing that you're going to need to know is your exact time of birth. And this is where a lot of people struggle because not everybody knows that. So if that's you, the best thing that you can do is there's three ways you can kind of figure that out is number one. If you're able to call the hospital, you were born and if you were born in a hospital, right. Not everybody was, they will have that record. Number two is to get your birth certificate and see if it has it on there. I don't know, but mine doesn't. Okay. Yeah.

Lise Cartwright (00:06:05):

So it depends on, yeah, we, we, if yours has it, and then number three is to actually work with astrologist as in someone who does horoscopes and birth charts and stuff like that, because they can actually narrow down to the hour that you were born. And if you don't want to do any of that, you can literally just go through and try different hours. So I would say try an early morning, time and mid morning lunchtime mid-afternoon and an evening time to see the changes in your chart to seeing what the differences. So in, in any given day your strategy won't change, but probably your authority will depending on the hour. So it is very much based on it's your unique blueprints, right? There is no one person on this planet that is the same, even if you were born at the same time your chart and your gates and everything. Like, anyway, it's a loss, but that's where you start is just going through and learning that and then mastering your strategy. So Bill, I'm going to stop here because I know I've just said a whole bunch of stuff. See what your questions are.

Bill Soroka (00:07:25):

Well, I think I have a lot and I'm not even sure exactly where to ask. Except that what came to me was, well, and you kind of answered already. It's like, what's the implication of being one or two minutes off or one or two hours off. But I think that goes back to what you said. This is super flexible. Yeah. But what if let's leave him pan up a little bit further before we get too deep into it? What is like, what's a good definition for Human Design and then why is it important?

Lise Cartwright (00:07:57):

So Human Design was discovered by this man called RA. That's not his, his actual name that says chosen name, he's Canadian back in the 1900's, 19.., He's still alive. It's not like he's he's dead or anything. But it was a download that just came to him, right? Like any kind of inspirational thing. And it was just this entire download of these different types and authorities, and then it just kind of expanded. So it encompasses a lot of things like horoscopes, astrology, I Chings. So if you're familiar with the Chinese, I Ching and Chakra, so there's nine different centers in the body. And if you're familiar with Chakras, they're the same, right? The centers are the same as what you would find in Chakras. There's a bit of scientific backing behind it. So, so Human Design is 100% based on your exact time of birth and obviously date.

Lise Cartwright (00:09:03):

Because when you are looking at your chart, it actually also, it says that your design, right, your actual chart was created three months before you were born. Right. So it, as far as you think about how a baby progresses in size inside the womb, it's at the six months mark that your personality and all that sort of stuff starts to develop, like it's starting to be hardwired. And so your chart is based on that time. Right. So that's why your time of birth is important because all of those pieces all kind of fall into place. It's really hard to give you like a definite, like high-level overview of what Human Design is without someone really just looking at their chart because it goes beyond normal horoscope, right? Like it is based on it's based on planetary alignment. So you'll see, when you look at your chart, you'll see like a body with the Charkras and then on either side other planets. And then there's a whole bunch of numbers associated with it.

Bill Soroka (00:10:13):

Could we look at my chart?

Lise Cartwright (00:10:15):

Of course. Yeah.

New Speaker (00:10:16):

Would that be ok?

Lise Cartwright (00:10:18):

Close. We can.

Bill Soroka (00:10:19):

All right. Fantastic. All right. So we're looking at my personal body graph from So tell me how walk us through how to translate, something like that.

Lise Cartwright (00:10:32):

Yeah. So we basically the three main things that you want to focus on when you first look at your chart is your type. And so if we look at Bills, he's a generator and then strategy, which is to respond and then your authority, which happens to be sacral. Those are the kind of the three things to master initially, right? So when you're looking at this and I would say strategy more so than anything else is the starting point for Human Design. So Bill as a generator, actually, it's probably helpful if I walk through all the different types first. So there's five different types, which means there's five different strategies. They surround how you'll need to interact with the world. That's really what type in strategy means. So there are, there's a manifesto, a generator and manifesting generator. I projector that in a reflector and within each of those types is a very different strategy as in the way that they need to interact with the world.

Lise Cartwright (00:11:31):

So I think it's also helpful to understand that from a percentage wise of the worldwide population, how many of us are each of these social manifestors, there's only 8%. So if you're, you know, if you're picturing a room of a hundred people, you're probably going to find there's only eight people in that room who are manifesters and manifestors are big thinkers. They … the thing, other people who are here to make something happen, so they literally can act on anything that comes into their world that excites them and lights them up. They can literally just go off and do. So that's what the manifestor is. So generators, there are 35% of the world population who are regenerator manifesting generators are also 35% and generators and manifesting generators. She has some similarities with some nuances that we'll talk about that in a second.

Lise Cartwright (00:12:27):

And then Projectors make up around 22% and the reflectors are only one to 2%. There's a very, very small part of the population who are reflectors. So let's start with Bill's chart and then I'll walk through the other strategies so that if you're looking at your own and you're going, and don't know what any of this means. You can, you've got an idea. So as a generator, your type, your aura is very open, right? So if you can imagine standing in front of your mirror and you've got your arms out, either side your aura. So your kind of your energy field is that wide plus another arm on either side, huge it's like six feet and, and very open and welcoming. That's what the generator aura is. And so when you then look at that from a strategy perspective, which is what is there, it says to respond.

Lise Cartwright (00:13:22):

And my generators sometimes struggle with this because when you read more information about this Human Design, see, as you are to wait to respond. And particularly when it comes to business, people often say, well, what am I supposed to do? I'm just supposed to sit at wait around to respond to anything. But what it actually means is as a generator, you are not here to even make something happen. And you'll know that you're trying to make something happen when you feel frustrated. So you're not self theme is frustration. So anytime you're feeling frustrated, it is an sign from your body that you are trying to make things happen, which is not what you're designed to do. You are designed to literally respond to what the world puts in front of you. And it's a very slight tweak. You know, we have all been, as you know, a world towards the school system is very much based off the Manifesta, which is to make something happen, right?

Lise Cartwright (00:14:28):

Like that's how we're taught. That's how we kind of go through life is we've got to make things happen. But for a large portion of us, right? That's not how we're meant to be. So when you look at this through the lens of your business, it's very much about making sure that anything that you go to create that is going to impact other people, you are making sure that you are creating in response. And so let's look at that practically, because again, all of this sounds very, how do you actually put this into practice? So let's take your podcast, for example if I was working with you, I would have, and you came to me and you're a light leaf. I, you know, I have this idea to do this podcast and I'd be like, right. Can you show me where you saw some signs that this was for you to do?

Lise Cartwright (00:15:27):

So what I mean by that is you are not designed to take a thought and instantly implement it without first confirming that you are doing so in response, as in you saw something come through your email that was talking about a podcast. So let's say it was like a podcast training or something like that. And you went, huh? That is interesting. I'm I really quite like this, how that sounds. Hmmm. Let me see what else comes up. And then let's say someone reached out to you and said, Bill, I really think you should do a podcast. I think you'd be amazing. Those were being two clear signs for you to respond to. So as a generator, you are literally here to do the things that light you up. That's all you're here to do. And as long as you're doing that in response, then you're golden.

Bill Soroka (00:16:22):

Let's talk about that a minute. And let's use the podcast as a, as a great example, because I feel like this was a couple years in of me receiving little gems or hints that this was going to end up happening. I bought the domain, I think a couple of years ago, I had no idea what I was going to do with it. And I don't even remember this until I see them a few years ago. I had a video interview with somebody and I said, this is the side hustle. Well, then I did another one a year and a half ago where I said, this is the Side Hustle Lounge. They just tend to come. Yeah. And then I joined a very expensive high performance mastermind. And as I was, I, I wanted to be around other people who are doing things. And sometimes I'll just pick up on the energy of them. It's not even about the content or anything like that. Well, on this one, it was all on zoom because it was during the middle of the pandemic in the first day of the mastermind. I'm literally with like the, the guy just comes up, he's talking and it just shot through me. Side Hustle Lounge is going to be a podcast and you've got to start it right now. And then that, so would that be an example of me responding to something?

Lise Cartwright (00:17:38):

Absolutely. Right. Like that is very much you acting in response. So it's, it's not that you can't ever do things based on what, you're, what you're thinking. Bottom line, as long as you are excited about it. So what makes you a generator? And I think this is helpful for anyone kind of going through this process is you have a defined sacral. So when you're looking at your chart, that red square in the middle is the sacral. And that is one of the two biggest marshes in the entire Human Design framework. So the sacral is a life force workforce. When it's engaged, you literally have untapped energy to do the things that you are excited to do. So that energy is just always there. Now what can happen though, is because that energy is there and it's literally good to go is that sometimes we will commit to things that are out of alignment, but because that energy is there and it wants to be used, you will do it.

Lise Cartwright (00:18:48):

And how you can know that something is out of alignment like that, you've committed to something, is that at the end of the day, if you feel exhausted and just really burnt out, then you've committed to something that isn't in alignment. And now a lot of people listening to this will be like, well, that's how I feel with my job. And I'm not surprised because like I said, if you think about generators and manifesting generators who have quit(?), our strategies are the same, I'm a manifesting generator. So generators and manifesting generators to give them makeup, 70% of the world population, we have defined sacrals. So we have this workforce energy. So it's not surprising that you can get yourself into a job that you think you're supposed to do, right? Like we often land ourselves in these situations where we're, we're like, oh, this is what someone's recommended, or this was the path that I committed to going down.

Lise Cartwright (00:19:44):

So I'm going to go down it. And if you constantly feeling exhausted, that is a very clear sign that you're out of alignment. And even more so if you feel frustrated. So yeah, so when you're kind of looking at your type in your strategy, the, as a generator, it's very, if you can just remember, I'm here to do things that light me up first and foremost, right. But I just also need to make sure that I'm only ever doing in response. So when I, when you hear the waiting to respond, if you can remove the waiting and turn it around and say, I just need to make sure that anything new. And so this is the other piece that people are just like, well, how am I supposed to, how does this really work. At the end of the day, if you can remember that if you're doing anything that is going to impact another person, right?

Lise Cartwright (00:20:34):

So podcasts, for example, a coaching program, anything like that, you just need to make sure that you didn't think of this on your own, that you actually had some signs come a world that confirms that it's yours to act on because at the end of the day, that's really what this is about is you you just need to make sure that you're always responding to what the world puts in front of you it's once you do it, it's so much easier to do this, right? So let's say you, your chart comes out and says that you're a manifestor and your strategy is to inform. And the aura for a manifestor is very small. In fact is closed. And it's not that this is a bad thing, right? Like each of the auras is not designed to be good or bad. They just are, but for a manifestor to be able to do the things that they do, they don't need anybody else.

Lise Cartwright (00:21:33):

Right. They don't need people in their world. They are very much designed to do things on their own. So their strategy to inform is simply that once they have the energy to go and do the thing that they're excited about, they just need to let people know in their immediate vicinity that it's going to impact. So I can literally get out of the way, because thanks just me and a very fast moving. But the difference between a manifestor and a generator is that a manifesto does not have a defined sacral. And so what that means is manifestors are not designed to work a normal nine to five job because they don't have the energy, right. They're not designed to just work and work and work. They're designed to just do spurts because they only have a small amount of energy and it will largely depend on what the attack looks like.

Lise Cartwright (00:22:26):

So when you were looking at yours, Bill, you have only three defined centers as in they're colored in and everything else is white, a manifestor. What makes you a manifestor is that your throat center so will be defined. And that is the one that's, you know, right where your throat is. That is what makes a manifestor, that's how you can kind of know. So from a manifestor's perspective, you literally can just do whatever you have energy for as long as you've let people know around you, that you're going to do something. So that can just kind of get out of your way. So then if you're a manifesting generator your strategy is to respond and inform. So a manifesting generator has a little bit of the manifesting energy more generating energy than manifesting. Again will depend a little bit on your chart because everyone's, chat's different.

Lise Cartwright (00:23:17):

But I'm a manifesting generator. And so what, what my strategy is, is also to respond, but because I also have the manifesting energy, I move very quickly. And so manifesting generators and how they differ from a generator is that a generator is very state-by-state right. Very much about mastery, very much about doing things in a sequence a manifesting generator is not like that. A manifesting generator is someone is going to figure out the fastest way possible to something. That's, that's a design. But the strategy is very much also to make sure that I am only ever doing something in response I can initiate. But again, I always have to come back to if I'm initiating, I know that if it involves anybody else, I need to also just make sure that it's in response, that I've, that I've done things. And so for me, who is very much a creative person, whenever I'm creating things that involve other people that, and that's how I kind of think about it, is I just need to come back and go, okay, can I confirm where I saw an external indication or as external sign that this idea that I have is actually for me to take action on.

Lise Cartwright (00:24:38):

And if I can confirm that and really only need a couple of signs, I'm not, I'm not saying here, you have to have like 10 signs before you can kind of take action. It's very much about, can I just confirm? And so in an, any given day for me, what I'm doing is I, when you're sitting there going like, Hey, well, how do I make decisions about business things? You can start your business. You don't need to wait to respond, right? If, if you are excited about it, like I'm talking really to generators and manifesting generators. If the business idea that you have, you're excited about, you can take action on it, but the minute that it now involves other people, right? So let's say you you want to start this coaching business. So you go ahead and kind of map out your programs and you set up your website, all of that, that is fine. You don't need to respond, but the minute that you want to launch your coaching program, that is when you need to step back and go, okay, I need to just make sure I'm creating, creating this in response that I can confirm that there were some signs that what I'm thinking, right. Because we don't make decisions up here. We make decisions in our body. So those are the I've gone through three. So living…

Bill Soroka (00:26:01):

So Lise real quick, some of the confirmation that you're talking about, I mean, could it be, you know, making sure that your audience actually wants it, would that be part of that confirmation for you?

Lise Cartwright (00:26:14):

Yeah. So when I'm, when I certainly, when I'm working with my students and helping them kind of implement this generators and manifesting generators and projectors actually because projectors are also having to wait. Manifestors are the only ones that aren't having to wait. Everybody else in the Human Design will, has some level of waiting. It's very much about if you, particularly as a generator, manifesting generator and projector. You literally, are here to design, you're designed to answer questions, right? So any time that you have a kind of struggling, you feel kind of stuck if you're just like, oh my gosh, I can't see where I'm creating response. That is the perfect time to survey your audience, right. To send out an email or to post a poll inside a Facebook group or whatever. So that you then have something to respond to.

Lise Cartwright (00:27:19):

And I do this all the time. I will, I survey my list every 90 days. But I also have a survey built in for anyone that joins my email list. Just so that I can make sure that anything that I've got created is still in response. So yes, that's a great question, Bill is 100%. Generators in particular, you will have things to respond to if you pay it. It's very much about paying attention. So data is your friend, right? As a generator data. So what I'm talking about there is pay attention to your Google analytics, pay attention to your Google search console that will give you ideas of, ahhh, people are paying attention to this. Perhaps I should do something more with that, right? So it's, it's, it's just these little nuances, but at the end of the day, if you are always doing things that light you up, right, like first and foremost for you in your gut is where the sacral is.

Lise Cartwright (00:28:24):

Like, that's your gut. If you feel it in your guts initially, you feel that motor really just whirring, like it's excited and you can feel it. It's not something that you process up here - it's in your body. If you feel it, that is the start of your "let me pay attention. Now, let me see what the universe is putting in front of me." Okay. I want to make sure I cover off projectors and reflectors. Otherwise they're gonna feel really left out… So for a Projector. And I have a lot of Projectors that I work with because Projectors probably struggle the most because their strategy is to wait to be invited and sorry, it's a little, it can be a little frustrating as a Projector, but how that really works and shows up in your business is that Projectors have a very specific zone of genius.

Lise Cartwright (00:29:24):

And you will know what that is as a Projector, right? You will know what you are a master at. You are here to simply show up and share that knowledge and share that wisdom without trying to get someone into your business, right? Like looking at this, the lens of a business. So what works really well for Projectors is the the invitation piece, right? So Generators and Manifesting Generators are here to respond your shear to be invited. And what that simply means that as long as you are doing the thing that you are excited about, right? Like as long as you are in your zone of genius and you're showing up daily, and what he mean by that is you are sharing your knowledge and wisdom, whether that's in a Facebook group, whether that's on LinkedIn, you know, whatever your social media platform is, or, you know, sharing that knowledge and wisdom on your YouTube channel.

Lise Cartwright (00:30:18):

And then you're sharing that with your email list. People will invite you to work with them because you are showing and sharing your knowledge and wisdom. So Projectors, and while why they call them Projectors is they have this uncanny ability to just laser focus in on someone. So they are the people who really see you. And the reason why the strategy is to wait to be invited or to be invited is because, because they can see so much of somebody just because they can see it doesn't necessarily mean that the person on the other end is ready to hear it. So that's why the invitation piece is important, but an invitation could literally be an email showing up in your inbox. Was that a summit invite, right? That's your invitation or you catch someone's eye when you're in a line somewhere. That's an invitation, right?

Lise Cartwright (00:31:18):

Like it's very much about paying attention to everything externally. So again, Projectors are not here to make anything happen. It's very much about showing up and just trusting that the universe will put people in front of you who are ready to hear what you have to say, who are really to hear your deeper wisdom. So, yeah. So Projectors I have found really struggle because, and you'll know that you're out of alignment because you feel bitter, right? Like as a Projector, you're not self theme is bitterness. So if you feel bitter it's because you're trying to make something happen and you're not designed to do that. You are simply designed to show up, share your wisdom, share your knowledge, and trust that the right people who are ready to work with you will reach out to you. Now that doesn't mean that you can't promote, but the way that you promote is different to how a generator and a Manifesting Generator would promote.

Lise Cartwright (00:32:20):

So for Projectors, you would do extremely well to have a YouTube channel, right? We, you get to share your knowledge, share your wisdom on an ongoing basis. And then all you would do is link to your programs in the, in the show notes, right? Like that's literally all that you would need to do. And the Reflectors, you know, that small amount people who are here to experience life for our Reflectors, if we're coming back to the chart. So if you ever look at someone's chart and they have everything is white, that means there auras are like this. So they have no defined centers, which just means that all of the open centers that you have on your chart Bill means that that's where you receive energy externally. So that's where you're impacted by other people around you. When you, when your center is defined, it means that you have full control over that energy.

Lise Cartwright (00:33:17):

And it's just always accessible and you won't be impacted by others because it's defined. But when you're, when you're centers are open or white that is where you're going to be impacted by anyone around you. So as a Reflector, because you're, everything is open. Your entire strategy is to wait a full lunar cycle. So a full 28 days before you're really meant to make a decision because you need to experience everything. You, you literally need to go through every single center in your chart and experience the energy before you make a decision. So from a business perspective, you're very much not designed to move quickly. You're designed to just initially do things that feel good, but you need to experience and soundboard things like talk things out with people that you trust, so that when you get to that end of that 28 days, if you still feel good about it, then you can take action.

Bill Soroka (00:34:21):

Is this like like a analyzing and processing data? Or is it more like feeling based?

Lise Cartwright (00:34:29):

It's feeling right? So this is, that's the biggest thing with the Human Design framework is that we've just talked about strategy, but your authority is your decision-making center. So like, Bill, if we look at your chat, we, you are what we would call a pure generator, because what makes you a generator is a defined sacral that your authority is also sacral, which means that you make decisions quickly because your gut is yes or no. There's no maybes. There's no black and white for you. It's either a yes, like, hell yes, I'm doing this or it's not touching it. No, not at all. So it is, and the reason for that is our bodies are far more advanced than our brain. Like if you think about the head, the head seems to us that it's tracing since it's a head sensor in the, in the mind they are here to process information to receive ideas.

Lise Cartwright (00:35:28):

That's all the analytical stuff, but it's in follow up here, right? Like it's, we're not designed to make decisions up here yet. That's how we're taught, because for Manifestors, they can literally do the things that they think of. But that's for them right there doesn't work for the rest of us. It's very much about trusting how you feel because your body knows more and experiences more than your brain does up here in isolation. So, and that's why this strategy is in place, because particularly build, because you have an open head seems to, it means that you have an untapped resource of ideas because you're literally catching ideas everywhere you go. Right. So I'm the saying, because I have an open head center so, and so ideas are just coming at you, but it doesn't mean that they're yours to take action on because there could be somebody else's because you're just literally wherever you go, you're going to be impacted by those around you.

Lise Cartwright (00:36:30):

So the, you, the, the two-step process is, does my gut feel excited? Right? Do I get that initial? Huh? Right. And for me, because I have, my authority is the same as yours. I have sacral authority and my sacral is defined. So to me, the experience is very much, it's just this feeling, right? Like this feels very good. Like that is the starting point for me. And then in terms of making a decision, I'm being, going to go, okay, I need to make sure I'm doing this in response. If it's anything that I, that I want to create, that's going to impact somebody else. So for example, I have a Human Design membership, you know, Bill and I were talking about this before, and that came into my I'd thought about it for a while. Like something had come into. And I was like, I really love to teach people how to implement this into business.

Lise Cartwright (00:37:31):

And so I had the idea and I just, I wrote it down and then I just let the universe, I just put it out there. I said, okay, universe, if this is for me to actually take action on, send me some signs. And this, this is kind of the framework that you can use for yourself is if you've got an idea in it and that's for everyone, (inaudible), and manifestor, everyone else can do the exact same processes. You have an idea, great. Write it down. And then you just put it out to the universe. Is this for me to take action on? And then what will normally happen if it is for you to take immediate action on you are going to see signs coming at you within 24 hours. And so for me, what I, what I discovered was something came into my email that was about like a membership.

Lise Cartwright (00:38:18):

And that was what I was thinking about. It wasn't necessarily a Human Design membership, but it was just a membership. And I'm, I paid him to now, like a mind, my brain is very much wired to pay attention. Now. I was like, okay, interesting. And then a website came up that was about human design and they were talking about all these different products. And I was like, interesting. And so just a couple of things just kind of lined up and I went, screw it. I'm just gonna kinda launch it out there. I did a very soft launch and it resonated and it feels good, right? Like I have the energy to do it and it's not hard. And that's the, the really the key is being able to just continue to do the things that light you up that excite you, that don't feel hard regardless of what your strategy or authority is.

Lise Cartwright (00:39:10):

If anything feels hard particularly in your business then, it's out of alignment. And we, as human beings, we can end up creating something because someone told us that that's what we should do, or we believe that this is the thing that we should do. And I noticed because I've done it right. You know, I can, I can, in hindsight, can sit back and go, okay. For the first eight years of my business, it was really just trying to figure things out. And I keep trying different things based on what somebody else told me. I think what I really love about Human Design is that once you really do understand your strategy and your authority, those are really the two key points is that now you have the ability to make decision that's right. For you, not what somebody else is telling you. Like you can, somebody can say something, but then you filter it right.

Lise Cartwright (00:40:07):

Using, filter it through, okay. Is this the right way for me to bring people into my world? Should I go and create a membership? Just because somebody said that that was a good idea. And those are still things to pay attention to, right? Like if someone is saying to you I think you should do this. That's not something that you ignore, that you want more information, right. And you want to make sure that you're receiving a few more signs. So for me, I know that something is right for me. If I've received at least two signs and I have the energy.

Bill Soroka (00:40:46):

Yeah. The energy is a huge factor. I can relate to a lot of, this is what you're saying. And, but I think there's a, there was a part of me too, that used to doubt that the trusting the feelings and things like that, but it wasn't until fairly recently in life, the power of the yes, when you just know that you're on the right path is such an overwhelming feeling, but it's also, I think, more rare than we might realize. So the rest of the time, you know, life is happening, that you're not feeling that overwhelming pools. So you're like, well, maybe I'll go ahead and try this, try this, try this. What I've learned is if it's not that overwhelming. Yes. Then it's a, no, I got to taste a little bit of the holy cow - this is it. You're going to do this. And I'll still sell this little idea will come up. And it's like, well, maybe I'll try that. And I'm like, no, I have, I, I know it's no, because I don't feel how I felt that one time when I did this.

Lise Cartwright (00:41:47):

Absolutely. It is. And so that is the with your authority, when you're looking at your authority particularly when you've got sacral, because the sacral is not, there's no gray, right? It's a yes or a no, but it's understanding what a no could look like. And this is, this was the pace that I start, that you struggle with just because we've been conditioned to use our brain, use our head to make decisions. So i knew when I was first implementing this, I was like, okay, cool. I know what he uses for me. Right. Like, I really like, I know what that is. I know how that feels. But then I would question the norm. And so sometimes you will get an immediate gut response that is just like, hell no, get, get the heck out of Dodge. Right. You know what that feels like, but sometimes it can be nor response.

Lise Cartwright (00:42:40):

Right. You can literally feel nothing. And that is also an art. And that is the key. Is that when you aren't getting like a definitive yes. Then it's annoying. And it's understanding that you don't allow this to stay in and guard actually. You know, why like, is it a normal, like, what is the, like, don't allow that to happen. It's very much, if it's not a, yes, it's a no or it's a not right now. Right. So that is the other things. So if you don't get like an immediate ich but you don't get the ickies either, then it's generally a no, right now it might come back. And that I have experienced that where, you know what, you just don't have the energy for this right now, at least. But in six months time, it might come back into your awareness. So it is, it's like this practice of being aware of paying attention to what is going on around you so much very, very true for a generator and a manifesting generator, right? It is paying attention to what is happening around you. That triggers your strategy, right. And the generators and manifesting generators. That is your sacral, right? Like if your sacrals and initial response is excitement, then that is the sign for you to start paying attention to stuff that is happening around you. Yeah.

Bill Soroka (00:44:05):

Beautiful. Now you mentioned a couple of things as we were talking where and they're influenced by other people's energy, are we talking about being an empath? Is that required? Is that not an element here? Did I miss the mark on that one? And how does introverts and extrovert relate?

Lise Cartwright (00:44:26):

When you look at your chart, right? Like, and you see your, anything that's open, so anything that's white, those are the areas that you more often than not going to experience. What's the word, pressure. So they're going to be pressure points for you, but also where you will take on other people's energies. So, Bill, if we look at your chart your mind center is wide open, it means that there's like a low energy and a high energy for each center. So the high energy for you is ideas just coming at you all the time. Like always there you're processing all of those things, but the low energy of the hidden mind center is worry, stressed about making decisions like that. You can experience that and you know, someone around you has a defined head and a defined mind sensor.

Lise Cartwright (00:45:29):

They might also be spurting a whole, whole bunch of stuff at you as well. So this is why it's really important to understand your specific type your strategy and your authority so that you can filter all of that stuff. And then when you have you've also got an undefined or an open emotional center and heart center which the two to the lack of we're looking at the chart, the two to the right of your red sacral. So the one that's directly to the right of the sacral is the solar plexus, which is the center for emotions. So when it's open, you have a feeling even manner, right? I'm the same. I have an open emotional center. So we experienced emotions generally, just we're even, right. Like, we're not, it's not that you were unemotional. It's just that, because it's open, we just have a much more calm presence, how we evolve.

Lise Cartwright (00:46:34):

It does mean that we're also very empathetic because we're going to feel other people's emotions. So that explains a lot for me. Right? Like I can literally cry at the drop of a hat if I think, because I immediately feel so that's, so now I have to pay attention to filter through what is mine and what is somebody else's right. So that's, so that's really what the open centers mean is that depending on what is open and depending on what is defined, anything that's open, you just have to be aware that you're going to be impacted by those around you who have defined centers, where yours are open. And then it's just always coming back to, if you trust your strategy and you trust your authority, you will always make the right decisions for you. Then now you can start to go ok Hey, is this mine? Or is this somebody else's and you'll know that because you can literally walk into a room and straight away feel how that feels and you can be like, I was right! Where I, like I was feeling good. And now all of a sudden I'm not pull my guarantee that you have been impacted by somebody around you and you don't even have to talk to them. Right? Like when you remember as a generator and a manifesting generator, how big your auras are that means you're also impacted by someone six feet away from you?

Bill Soroka (00:48:00):

Mm, powerful. How can this tool, how can Human Design help with human communication?

Lise Cartwright (00:48:05):

Yeah. Oh my gosh. So as soon as I discovered this, I ran all of my immediate family through this because I wanted to understand what, what they're, what they were. But also the authority. And I think the authority piece, once you dive into that a little bit more allows you to understand how somebody else makes decisions. And so from my husband, he has, his authority is the emotional. So his is defined. And so what that means is in order for him to make a decision, he is not designed to make a decision on the spot. He needs a solid 24 hours to just kind of sit with it because when you have a defined emotional center, your emotions and the way that I explain it is it's kind of like a light where you've always got like a slight ripple relatively calm, but there's always like a sight, a slight breeze.

Lise Cartwright (00:49:01):

But then when something happens, like you've got a decision to make, depending on how big or how small it is, is going to impact that light. So if you've got to make a small decision, it's like a few pebbles falling into the lake and then the ripples spread out, and then it comes back to a relative calm. So that decision, you know, that could be, what are we having for dinner? Right? Like that type of decision is like as a small pebble. But let's say you're deciding to start a new business or you're moving countries, or you're changing jobs that is going to feel like this massive boulder has just been dropped into your lake and the waves are just going, and that can carry on for a while. And the boulder might hit the bottom. And so a whole bunch of debris like float up to the top. So what that means is, is that you will not make a decision until you're back to the calmness of your life as you've got just a few ripples and then you can really trust whatever decision you make. So it's, yeah, it's very much about understanding how you feel in any given moment about whatever life is presenting to you.

Bill Soroka (00:50:16):

That's huge! And I can see where it would help you just relate more to where other people are coming from.

Lise Cartwright (00:50:24):

I mean, when I understood, because I'm, my sacral is my strategy and my authority. So I do, I make decisions really quickly. And so how it plays out with us is that I'd be like, oh my gosh, it's taking forever to make a decision, but now I understand that, you know what, he's not designed to make a decision on the spot. He's actually got to weigh things up and he's got to wait until his emotions are kind of at that calm place before he can trust that, like, he's a manifesting generator too. So his sacral will initially light up. But he can't trust the response until he's calm. I mean, he could be calm when that happens, but nine times out of 10, that's not going to be the case. Somebody who has an emotional solar plexus defined will literally experience emotions in any given hour from high to low, right?

Lise Cartwright (00:51:19):

Like they can experience it all the spectrum and like any given moment. So it just, it's helpful to understand that other people just make decisions slightly differently to you and that you can't get frustrated. So this is the key, right? Like if I, if I was feeling frustrated with him, it's because I'm trying to make him do something and you, I can't do that. So yeah, it's been from a, just a human element, understanding how someone is naturally just designed to show up in the world and to make decisions makes things flow a lot easier. Right. We don't have anywhere near the butting of heads that we used to because now I understand. I'm just like, okay, well, I know that he needs at least 24 hours to, and this is a big decisions, right? I'm not saying for dinner. Right. But the bigger decisions or decisions that just are going to change your life in some way, I know that he needs a minimum of 24 hours before he can really be in a position to come back to me and say, yes, let's do this or not.

Bill Soroka (00:52:36):

Right. Yeah. So full circle. In the beginning we talked about how some of the other personality profiling, Enneagram, Disc(?), Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinders, I think you mentioned all of those. A lot of people resist because they don't like to be pigeonholed into things. And then they talk about how well we're all, all of these things. We just have a certain place where we live is the same with Human Design. I mean, are we all four of these different types or…

Lise Cartwright (00:53:09):

So we're how it kind of starts if we look at, from a light from layers. So the first layer is your strategy, right? So you're going to be one of the five. Then the second layer is your authority. Now they're a seven different authorities. So this is where things start to open up and start to show up differently. And then within that, we, and we haven't, we're not going to have time to talk about this, but then there is your profile so that you can see your profile says that you're a true five, which is the hermit heretic …

New Speaker (00:53:44):

The names they sound really awful, but they're not. Yeah, I mean, the profiles is probably were like any Enneagram, Myers-Briggs and all of that, you will see reflected in that. And your, so your profile is kind of your personality, like the thing that you are day to day. Whereas when you look at your strategy and your authority, it's very much about how you interact with the world. Whereas your profile is just who you are, how you experienced things, still connected to your strategy, strategy, and authority. Like when you dive into your profile, you will see that there are elements of what makes you a generator within that profile. So when you start understanding that you'll start to say awe that's kind of what Myers-Briggs said, or this is what strengths find is like. I've found that my top five strengths, 100% show up in my profile in Human Design.

Lise Cartwright (00:54:47):

I think what I found is that if, because, this is a framework, and I think if you can remember that it's a framework it's designed to help you live your best life. At the end of the day, we are, you know, we have the choice to make the decisions that we want. All I would say is, is that if you, if you're kind of resistant to anything like this is that you'd give it a shot, right? Like you go down the path of listening to your sacral. If you can look back in your life, and you just were talking about that Bill where you were saying that it's like, you know what? That feels like any time that you've ignored that, or you've ignored the 'no' and you've gone ahead anyway, it doesn't line up, right. Things don't line up. So this is very much about just sharing and teaching how you can actually live a life, not just a business, but a life that is actually easy and fun, right? Like for you, when you are just simply following the signs that are put in front of you,

Bill Soroka (00:55:57):

That brings me to a it's probably my, my last question is I think there's, there's has to be people listening that might be resistant to this. They might be rolling their eyes thinking, oh gosh, there's astrology involved. Or I got to know my, why there's my birth minute matter. And those types of things. Have you heard that and how do you overcome it?

New Speaker (00:56:21):

Absolutely. Like I've had people who, you know, kind of discover this and then that just kind of gone… ehhh whatever. Like, it's just like when you read your horoscope and how can that apply to everyone? Like, how am I interpreting that as I think like really for me, what the difference has been, or what I've noticed is that we're not like, I'm not saying that I do this 100% of the time that I'm always following my strategy in authority, because I'm not a perfect human being. I'm still going to make mistakes, but I, it lessens the mistakes that I make. So yeah, if you're kind of resistant to this, all I would say to you is just try your strategy because at the end of the day, that's the thing to try and really how hard is it to if your strategy is to respond, to simply pay attention to the things that are coming into your world, that you feel excited about, not difficult, right?

Lise Cartwright (00:57:19):

Like see what that looks like. And then I like kept a diary for a solid two weeks where I was just implementing my strategy. I didn't look at anything else where I just went, okay, I'm just going to follow the responding piece. And when I did that, everything lined up, right. Everything was in alignment. Whereas when I allowed my head to make a decision, like my brain to just kind of go, I think this is what I want to do. Then there was resistance and it was hard. It's, I'm not saying that you won't have some level of success because if you're amazing at what you do, you know, you're still going to be able to do things right. But it will be harder because now you're making things happen versus things just lining up. And so for me, I'm very much about, well, I want my business to be easy and fun. I want life to be easy and fun. So this is what has made things easy and fun.

Bill Soroka (00:58:27):

I think what you're describing is high performers who do accomplish great things, but they don't experience joy. So maybe that you can be talented and you can be, create, make stuff happen. But if you're not feeling joy in it, and maybe that's a misalignment in what you're describing here. And also what came to me is when you see the theme, I think is pay attention throughout this whole conversation, it's about just looking for cues, signals, evidence that you're on the right path, or you're making the right decisions. And I was reminded of the Intention Experiments, have you, I don't know. Have you ever read those books by Lynne McTaggart (

Lise Cartwright (00:59:11):

I've heard of them, right. Like I, and I loved her too. So…

Bill Soroka (00:59:16):

It was, it was really fascinating to me, but it was really just about, and I think it ties into like, people talk about the law of attraction and the reticular activation system in your brain and all of that things. I think that a lot of the times they're talking about the same thing, but it's about putting a concept into the, just thinking about it, opening your mind to the universe to what you're looking for and then keeping your eye out for it. And it was amazing how it worked like incredible detailed. Like I wanted the the face of a like a tribal chief show up and it just kept showing up in Facebook pictures of tattoos of a buffalo head nickel, all of these things started showing up yellow butterflies, all along the lines and just paying attention. You don't ha it doesn't have to mean anything. You can, you get to control what it means, but just to know that you're, you can shift your awareness like that. And when you pay attention, is really powerful.

Lise Cartwright (01:00:17):

That is being the thing for me is like, you know, when you have, you've got this, whenever an idea, like if we're practically talking about this from a practical perspective, like how you implement everyone, the sign of manifesto, if you have an idea, write it down and then just put it out to the universe, send me some signs and then see what happens, pay attention. And literally signs could be anything. It could be. You've been out for a walk and you notice like a poster in a shop and something in that poster triggers the thing that you wrote down, that's something to pay attention to, right? Like it's, it is very much awareness and paying attention to what the universe, God, whatever you want to call it is putting in front of you to then filter through. Okay. Is this actually something that I'm excited about that I have energy for? Right? Because just because it initially piques your curiosity doesn't necessarily mean that it's something for you to take action on, but it's just the practice of paying attention and seeing how you feel is the starting point.

Bill Soroka (01:01:29):

I find too that when you continually get those signs and you ignore them, the universe doesn't really appreciate that either. Right? I've had some amazing ideas where I didn't take action and it's like, somebody else got them. I look at book titles, I look at businesses and ideas I had and I wrote them down in my journal. And then they sat in that journal for 10 years. And then somebody else, I mean, some of them are Billion dollar companies right now. And the concept I had 20 years ago.

Lise Cartwright (01:02:00):

Yep. Absolutely. Like if the universe isn't going to keep banging it against you, right. Like you it's, you have to pay attention. And if you don't pay attention, then something else, somebody else will get it. Right. Like it's even more so when you have open head and mind centers, right. If you feel the energy to take action on it and the signs have lined up, do it, you have…

Bill Soroka (01:02:28):

I think Victor Hugo's to that best, there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come and it's going to come. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Lise, this has been a fascinating conversation. I've learned so much. I have a couple pages of notes here. This is definitely something I'll keep and keep exploring for sure. And anybody who is listening to Lise right now and curious about how this works Lise offers a a free custom business plan using a Human Design. You can reach out to her. I'll give you her website as well as But don't worry about that. You don't have to remember any links, just visit the Join the VIP room completely free. I'll have all the links to Lise so you can connect with her and learn more about Human Design and how you can apply it in your business. Make better decisions and take action. Lise, thank you so much.

Lise Cartwright (01:03:38):

You're welcome Bill, Thanks for having me again.

Bill Soroka (01:03:41):

My pleasure.



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